What are we doing now?
We are using the latest technologies to find new genes. We can now screen hundreds of genes at the same time using a technology called whole exome sequencing. We are finding lots of genetic changes and can screen genes more quickly. We have developed bioinformatics tools to call variants and determine their likely potential of contributing to a person's weight problem.
We have established a high throughput assay to test all the known human obesity genes which is now available within the NHS (see Recruit A Patient.)
We will still have to do a lot of work to find the genes that are relevant for specific patients and families and to pinpoint how defective genes lead to obesity. A major theme of our work involves translating the findings in the laboratory into real benefits for patients. This means studying genes in cells and in people.
We invite many patients and families to Cambridge to take part in studies looking into how genes work. We also invite volunteers to take part in studies so we can learn how genes work in people who don’t have a weight problem as well as in those that do. Find out how you can help us with our research.